We live in Apocalyptic times, where we are facing large challenges for the future. Some counter the problems of our wasteful society e.g. by restoring some great finds from the local scrap yards and posting very well narrated repair videos about those finds on YouTube. (Cheers to TPAI! ;)) Some react and cry where to find such gems, but the point is: those are usually right under your nose! What I usually find on my bicycle ride work are empty half liter PET bottles or empty energy drink cans of a certain unnamed Austrian brand sponsoring a Formula 1 team with a Dutch rookie driver (or half empty cans of similar undrinkable liquids). Occasionally, there is the odd tossed-out-of-car-window CD-R with some downloaded whatever music. I tend to archive those in the correct litter bin, and surely not bother to try and play them. However, last week there was clearly a real music CD shining between the roadside grass, in a very nice state. On closer inspection this seemed to be a BBC music ...