Last time mentioned ordering cheap 8mm slot screw bits, 1.2mm thick. This to make my own SIFAM collet tool. Received the bits with a bit of delay, just before I left last weekend.
It is a small pack of 3 bits for €2.75 so one bit is about only 90 cents.
When unpacking, I was slightly alarmed by the claims ‘Extra Hard’ and ‘Made in Czech Republic’. So this actually might be very good quality, instead of the cheap and soft steel I had hoped for at this price...
Tried a small needle file file on it, and can confirm it is really good steel.
Instead of using a lot of patience and elbow grease ordered a Proxxon Micromot 28 240 diamond coated grind bit (1.8mm) for about €3.49
Will try it in a drill at a high RPM setting and gradually mill a
small indent, as marked inside the red region in this picture. If it fails,
still can have two other tries.
It is a small pack of 3 bits for €2.75 so one bit is about only 90 cents.
When unpacking, I was slightly alarmed by the claims ‘Extra Hard’ and ‘Made in Czech Republic’. So this actually might be very good quality, instead of the cheap and soft steel I had hoped for at this price...
Bosch 2 607 001 468 Extra Hard S8 bits |
Instead of using a lot of patience and elbow grease ordered a Proxxon Micromot 28 240 diamond coated grind bit (1.8mm) for about €3.49
Bit clampled in a small vice with red marker |
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