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Collet Tool, part 2

Made the SIFAM collet knob tool today! And it turned out quite nice, see the pictures below.

I don’t own a Proxxon or Dremel. Instead I used a normal 550Watt Metabo power drill at 2800 RPM. The maximum setting.  Such tiny diamond coated grinder bits are usually run at about 20000 RPM, so this made progress a bit slow. For a one-off it’s okay. 
Proxxon Micromot 28 240 diamond coated grind bit (1.8mm)
It’s a bit awkward to steer such slightly heavy machine for those small movements. To ease the grinding process, I’ve put the extra front handle in a horizontal position. Also used a bit of drill/cutting paste to improve cutting performance.

Tried to apply as little force as possible since such miniature bits aren’t made to be used under high loads, such as with normal HSS/Carbide milling or drill bits. Because it’s more a cylindrical steel shaft instead of a disk type tool, it probably is a bit sturdier.
The Metabo power drill with grind bit.
WARNING: Never try the other Dremel/Proxxon disk type bits in normal drill like this! Those will surely scatter instantly without making a cut at all. If you don’t trust my advise, at least wear eye protection when doing such stupid things.
Halfway the grinding.
In this picture it looks like I messed up the work-piece, but the cutting paste obscures the view of the actual shape.
And done, we now have a nice Collet Knob Tool!


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